Ep. 4 Committing to Yourself by Tuning In

Tuned In the Podcast

Episode 4: Committing to Yourself by Tuning In

“Tuning in is really getting curious. It’s really connecting back to yourself.”

In this episode, I dive into why it’s essential to “tune in” to ourselves and what that looks like in practice. I talk about the importance of getting clear on our own needs, wants, and desires rather than being distracted by outside influences. Through my program, Tuned In, I guide people in building self-awareness, setting boundaries, and committing to routines that serve them. This work is about creating a strong foundation of honesty and integrity in our relationship with ourselves first, so that we can show up fully in all areas of life. My goal is to help you take control of your life, connect with your inner power, and take action toward becoming your best self.

Key Takeaways:

  • Solid Foundations in Wellness: True wellness is rooted in feeling sturdy in our physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental health, creating a balanced life foundation.

  • Rituals vs. Routines: The importance of “rich-uals”—meaningful, enriching practices—as a key to staying grounded.

  • The Power of Cycles: Using natural cycles like the moon phases, seasons, and menstrual cycles to inform our self-care, allowing us to flow with, rather than against, life’s rhythms.

  • Self-Awareness Guide and Weekly Rituals: Weekly reflection on where you are in the moon’s cycle and your own cycle, connecting with spiritual practices, and setting intentions to support self-care

“If you can’t commit to yourself, you cannot expect to have relationships with other people in your life that are going to be fulfilling.”