Why I wrote Lighten Up Your Life.

Why I wrote Lighten Up Your Life.

I published this book less than 2 months after my mom died.

Not particularly great timing, but when I say I’m going to do something, I do it.

I wanted to publish this book for a couple reasons, and here’s why.

Three Reasons why I wanted to write this book:

1. To say I am a published author. I love setting a goal and checking it off. Get my Master’s degree? Check. Run a marathon? Check. Write a book and have it published? Check.

2. To share my thoughts and experiences on how when I choose less, my life is just better… less stuff, less on my schedule, less stimulation in my environment (less phone and tech), and less negative thoughts. It’s not just better, its SO. MUCH. BETTER.

So much better that if I could make just one other person’s life better too, I had to do it.

3. To make a difference. I have some really life changing activities that I needed to get out into the world because I KNOW they are making a difference.. take back your time, live like you’re on vacation, information detox, and more (in the book!).

It was time to take a break.

I haven’t talked enough about this book. Partly because after it was released I was so engulfed by my grief I didn’t have the energy. I decided to live out my teachings and do less.

Take a break.

Slow down and rest.

I’ve never done that before in all of my life. I’ve always pushed on to the next thing. Kept myself busy with the next project, the next idea, the next activity.

It was a radical idea to stop.

To pump the breaks.

To not act on all the ideas that still pour through me.

Once I settled into the rest, I realized I really needed it. 39 years of pushing, striving, and forward motion, and I noticed I was tired.

But now that I’ve taken that space, I’m slowly sharing more. I’m coming out of my hibernation and finding new ways to use my creative energy, all while being aware of my self care needs.

It’s a light, easy read.

Lighten Up Your life is a quick 70 page read. It’s really light (see what I did there?) but it packs a punch. Each section (there are 4) have several take away activities for you to do (and if you’re like me, and want a workbook to go help you work through those activities…don’t worry, I made you that too!)

I recommend this book to everyone.

There are bite sized pieces of it that may possibly change your life.