Five Simple Ways to Slow Down

Five Simple Ways to Slow Down

In case you haven’t noticed, I’m really feeling the slow down vibes these days. I’ve always believed slowing down can change your life, but the switch for me was when I started to embody this and really live it.

I own a business that most definitely has seasons. We are very busy in the spring, summer, and fall, but in the winter, while we still have work to do, the retail piece of our business is closed to the public, and we are given a chance to take a breath, slow down, and rest.

I used to fill those winter months with more work, because that’s what I thought we needed to do to “survive.” Turns out that was a myth. Last winter, I didn’t work. I took a few months off and spent the time with my family, working on myself and spending time being in my grief. It was exactly what I needed and proof for me that it is safe to rest, for months at a time if it’s needed.

If you’re wanting to slow down a bit, here are 5 simple ways to do so:

  1. Cook something from scratch.

    I made my own beef broth from bones, taking each step slowly and deliberately. After roasting the bones, boiling water in the bottom of the pan to get the rest of the flavor, adding that to the crock pot along with carrots, onions, celery and spices, simmering on low all night long, I was ready to use the homemade broth in a soup. I chopped up more vegetables and added it to the broth and meat. It took two whole days to make the soup, and It tasted like it. Spending time in the kitchen creating is one of my favorite ways to slow down.

  2. Make a cup of tea.

    The ritual of making a warm cup of tea has become a staple in my days, especially in the winter time.

  3. Decide you are going to print those photobooks and spend the time doing it.

    Winter is the perfect time to get projects like this done. I love using Chatbooks.

  4. Commit to making visits to your family and friends that you don’t see enough

    I get it. We are all busy. Our schedules are jam packed with activities, but when I really think about how I want to be spending my time here on this Earth, my first response is not how, but with who. My family and friends are important, and it takes effort to maintain relationships. Since time is so limited, you have to prioritize visits (especially if they are out of town) and schedule them into your calendar. Time with your loved ones is never wasted time.

  5. Send Snail Mail, Thank yous, cards, and letters

    One of my favorite things to do is send mail to the people I love. It takes effort and intentional time to sit down and write a card, address it, and put it in the mailbox. Even more effort goes into curating a little package to send in the mail, because a trip to the post office is usually involved. The extra energy it takes to brighten someone’s day is totally worth it, and something I make time for. I love slowing down to send cheer to someone else. If this feels like a lot, you can start small by committing to sending intentional text messages or emails to people you love. They will be so happy to hear from you!

These are just a few ways I like to slow it down. It’s easy to feel rushed these days, we all seem to be racing to the finish line. But I’m not interested in crossing a finish line. I’m interested in strolling along happily, swinging my arms, whistling a tune, and just enjoying the scenery as I walk through this trip of a life.