My Friday Five: 003

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5 things I feel like sharing this week.

  1. Holtan and Clara got to go back to music class this week. A highlight of our week for sure.


2. I started this on audible and I am so inspired by her sharing her truths.

3. This week in the Chillionaire club, we welcomed our first Club Pro, and I was so proud to watch a fellow North Iowan really showcase her talents and new business.

4. I joined Coach Mack’s Summer Slim Down program. Already I am being held accountable to moving my body for 30 minutes every day and passing on the Girl Scout cookies that invaded my house. The ladies I’ve met so far have been friendly and supportive, I’m excited to grow with this group over the next 12 weeks.

5. I did an IGTV this week.

That’s it for the this week’s installment of my Friday Five, where I share whatever I want to about the week, and maybe you’ll learn something new!