Now Hiring: Women Who Want More

I want team members who want to be involved.

Want to be a part of something bigger than themselves.

That want to grow, stretch themselves, be better.

I want team members who don’t just think of themselves. Who want better for everyone around them.

Who push themselves, are willing to sacrifice for the good of the team and to keep their businesses moving forward.

I want team members who want to develop leadership skills, and grow with me and other team members.

Who are honest about what’s going on, who are respectful of others and also of themselves and open with their feelings and open to others feelings.

I want team members who see the bigger picture. Who dream big. Who want more for themselves and their families.

I know I want a lot, but I also know that there are a lot of women out there that want these things too.

Maybe they have a hard time admitting they want that, or they are scared to admit this is what they want because its different.

It requires change, and lots of it.

It requires stepping out of comfort zones, doing things you’ve never done, taking risks, some big and some small, some financial and some emotional.

Some will say they want it. But not do it.

Some will not even know they want it but the opportunity will present itself, and they will grab on to it and run.

I know there is so much to this life. Each day is a gift and it is our responsibility to use that gift to its fullest potential. Wasting the day on negative emotions, frustration, boredom, and lack of interest is no way to spend your life day after day.

Your life is an accumulation of each of your days, and each of your days is an accumulation of each moment. And each moment we are given a choice to move us closer to what we want, and living the life we were meant to, living out our truths, being who we were meant to be.

Are you making that choice in each moment of your life?

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