friday favorites #2.

image-2I really liked writing my friday favorites post last week. Throughout the week, I found myself taking note of the things I really love and am thankful for. A little extra gratitude is never a bad I think I will keep this feature going for a bit... A few of my favorite things this week:

  1. Purging and swapping.  For a couple years, I've been helping friends clean out their closets. IMG_0342It's so much fun for me. I love seeing a messy overstuffed closet transform into an organized, cleaned out space filled with only clothes you love. And what's even more fun is seeing those clothes go to a new home and be loved by someone else. If you're interested in swapping let me know-I started a Facebook group for swapping. I scored this flannel shirt from my friend Ashley (I've tried buying a few button down shirts in the past but never wore them). I've worn it almost everyday since I pulled it from her donate bag. It's my favorite shirt right now. :)Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset
  2. My tupperware can opener.  This thing is awesome. You put it on the top of the can, it leaves no sharp edges and its super easy to turn. As an OT, I would recommend this to anyone who has hand ailments or weakness, and as a tupperware consultant I would recommend it to everyone. It's super easy to use (once you figure it out!) IMG_0041
  3. An evening with friends. On Wednesday night I spent the evening with a great group of ladies chatting, snacking and making scrub.peppscrubnightThe cool thing about these gatherings, is that it is so much more than just making body scrub (or pickles, or anything..). When women gather together, really cool things happen. We all learn from each other, which is very powerful. We talk about our lives and our struggles and it's comforting knowing we're all in this crazy life together.
  4. Creating. I spent a good portion on my Saturday afternoon making cards.crafting I love turning my brain off, and my creativity on and making whatever comes to me. I give up all sense of "perfectionism" and just do what feels right in the moment without giving it much thought. Giving up perfect has been such a freeing thing for me (I think that's a whole other blog post for a different day!)
  5. Lena. She's my favorite dog in the whole world. IMG_0349
  6. And I like fall too. So this picture pretty much makes my heart explode.IMG_0352What are a few of your favorite things this week?
Mary Hopper4 Comments