How I Got Started with Living in Moon Time

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In November of 2021, a little over a year after my mom died, we packed up our truck and headed south for a month. It was time for a break from everything, and we needed some space to reset as a family.

During that time (that I now call my sabbatical) I started studying the moon with a book by Sarah Faith Gottensdiener called the Moon Book: Lunar Magic to Change Your Life. And this book has been changing my life since.

I started paying attention to what phase the moon was in and using the book as a guide to explain and understand what was happening in my life during that time.

I was magnetically drawn to her definition of living in moon time: that the lunar cycle is a visual metaphor for the seasons in our lives. It means “rejecting the toxic solar imperative. To be “on”—productive, producing, exerting, competing—the majority of the time is not natural. It is about paying attention to our own cycles…it is to know yourself well enough to be adaptive to life, to accept change, and to develop and use you own set of resources.”

This speaks to my core. It’s aligned with everything I believe, practice and embody.

I didn’t know it at the time (almost 2 years ago) but this study of the moon and her cycle has led me to teaching others about her awesomeness too.

The moon’s cycle has given structure to my business and life and I plan my activities and actions around her.
Every moon cycle I fall more and more in love with her. She’s magic in the night sky.
I can’t help but feel that the more I fall in love with her, the more I fall in love with myself.

You see, the moon and I are not all that different.
She cycles every 28 days, and so do I (more or less).
She is strong and mighty and magical and has influence on those that look at her and follow her, and so do I.
She is steady and always there, solid in her being. And so am I.
She has been objectified and been subjected to man’s attempt to explore her. And as a woman, so have I.

I feel incredibly connected to the moon and her pull and the more I sync my life with her cycles, the more flow and ease I feel. This is living in moontime.