Tips to manage the full moon energy

Tonight is the Full Moon, so if you've been feeling all the feels and your emotions seem to be running on high, or everyone around you seems to be losing their minds…

You can probably attribute some of this crazy uncomfortableness to the full moon energy. If you're cool as a cucumber right now, just skip over the rest. You are a Goddess.

If not, read on….

Tides are highest at the time of the full moon, which also means the waters inside of us are moving around and we are forced to reckon with these rising emotions. It can feel intense and challenging, especially during a holiday season or period of transition.

I'm encouraging you to take a pause during this full moon (especially if you're feeling the feels mentioned above), take your foot off the gas and coast for a bit.

Sit in the discomfort, don't force a situation, and consciously practice receiving during this time.

Full moons are a great time to work with our intuition, or our inner knowing, our senses, wisdom, impulses, creativity, emotions, and actions.

For me, I'll be taking this time to pay attention to my senses.

What do I see?






Pause to take notice of these things in each moment, to really acknowledge what's happening, but not pass judgment. Just let things be as they are. Take the time to put pen to paper and acknowledge what’s around you.

I'll also be doing a lot of free writing during this full moon phase, as letting energy flow out of you in the form of words on paper can really help us connect to our intuition.

I would love to hear how you are doing with the intense energy of the full moon, and if you'll be trying any of these strategies to help soothe yourself during this time.

Remember, full moons are the middle of the lunar cycle, and middles can be hard.

But, you've got this.


AFFIRMATION: I accept all that I am.

I am open to receiving what is coming for me.

Need more help to get started on managing this intense full moon energy? I got you!

Mary HopperComment