Mary Hopper

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Waning Moon

Waning Moon 

2 weeks from full moon to new moon

SEASON: Summer

THEMES: coast, rest, integrate, slow down, stop forcing, clear the fields and tend to our soils


  • Process the information that came to surface during the full moon,

  • emotional weeding,

  • release and let go

  • forgiveness meditations

  • REST

QUESTIONS: What came up during the full moon, and what do I need to do to process and let go of what no longer serves me?

AFFIRM:  It is safe to rest.

The moon is a guide for all of us.

She can teach us many things about ourselves, if we are willing to take the time to look within and to observe her cycles. 

Like life, the moon cycles through phases of abundance and outwardness, then to periods of more internalization and rest. If we tune into what the moon is doing at a particular time, we can gain insight into our own personal cycles. We are all unique, yet we are all affected by this one constant, the moon. 

SELF CARE WITH THE MOON is adigital download about each phase of the moon and it’s attributes: the season, the themes, my advice for the self care actions to focus on, questions to ask yourself and journal around, and an affirmation to practice. This guide will help you discover where the moon cycle is right now, what that phase can mean, and how that plays out in what is happening in your life. This will look different for everyone, the important thing is to take the time to pause and reflect, this is when we truly start to see ourselves and discover ways to live our best lives.