Mary Hopper

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It's time I hit publish a lot more

I’ve been a little quiet here lately. Not because I don’t want to show up here, but mostly because I’m not making the time for it. Summer means our routines are off, we are camping more, spending evenings outside, letting the house work and other tasks slide a bit so we can enjoy the family time. Summer also means traveling and vacations, so being away from my computer for long stretches of time.

These are the good days, the ones where the memories are made. And just because I haven’t been hitting publish here in this space, doesn’t mean I haven’t been writing. I write every day. Lists of to-dos, lists of dreams, free writing and brain dumps, and I even write on my latest book I’m working on. Yes, you heard it here first, there is going to be another book!

I’ve always gone back and forth about what this blog is, the focus and purpose of it, what I should share and what I shouldn’t. But as I get older and dive deeper into my writing and sharing it, I’m learning it doesn’t really matter. This blog is mine, and it can be whatever I want it to be.

So here’s a post, about seemingly nothing, but really just to start the momentum of writing here in this space and clicking that publish button for all (or some!) to read. Not all of my blog posts need to be “informative” or teach you something. But if they did, this one would be teaching you that you can write whatever you want, share whatever you want and do whatever you want.

Now, go out there and hit publish a lot more.

I know I’m going to.