Mary Hopper

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Make Your Life Magical

I was out on the pond paddle boarding yesterday morning thinking about the Slow Down Retreat and what I'm envisioning the experience to be like this November. 


The morning felt magical. It was sunny, calm, the water clear, and as I looked in front of me, there was a turtle, right near the bank. I quickly started to back up, to give the turtle some space, and because I wanted to watch it. It watched me pretty closely, then came up to the surface for a quick breath of air, and dove back down and swam away fast. 


Turtles are known for their “slow and steady wins the race" style. It didn't surprise me that I crossed a turtle's path while I was dreaming about the retreat. 


When I got home I looked up the turtle card in my animal spirit guides deck. 


The turtle card reads: You're too fragmented, so do whatever it takes to get grounded. 


You've heard me say it before, but it's worth repeating. We've got so much in our lives competing for our attention. We are consuming and taking in so much throughout the day. 

We are pulled in many directions and the demands of life can feel like a lot. 


It doesn't have to be this way. We can choose differently, and it doesn't have to be complicated or hard. 


The Slow Down Retreat is the perfect place to dive headfirst into this practice, this way of being. It will give you the space and time and stillness to finally hear and see what is meant for you and what isn't. 


It's a chance to reset. 

A chance to connect to yourself again.

A time out from the every day of life.

A space for sisterhood. 


AND the theme for the retreat, I decided while I was on my paddle board and the turtle was swimming ahead of me is….


Make Your Life Magical.


We all have the choice to do that everyday. And honestly, you don't need a retreat to do it. 


But it helps. ;)