what I want for you...
I want you to be kind. Always.
to treat others the way you want to be treated.
I want you to love the outdoors.
Love getting dirty.
Appreciate nature.
Go hiking, biking, just sit by the creek.
I want you to be adventurous. Follow your heart. Do what you love.
Be you always and don't apologize for it.
I want you to know the meaning of hard work, but also understand the necessity and goodness of play and relaxation.
I want you to be whatever you want to be. Do whatever you want to do. And find whatever you will look for.
I want you to be curious.
Ask questions.
Do good. Be good.
Think of others. Don't judge.
Just be kind.
I want so many things for you, little one.
But mostly I want you to know love, be loved, and give love.
And ask for nothing in return.