Mary Hopper

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#senasgarden16 ed. 1

senasgarden16, garden16ed1, garden, grow your own, vegetables, starter vegetables


It's that time of year again...

Garden time!

I have been a total slacker when it comes to planning my garden. I had the best intentions to draw out a plan, making lists of what I need to start and seeds to order, etc, etc... I haven't done any of that.

But thank goodness for Dave! He has been on top of starting our plants.

We've never been very good at starting plants from seed. We start strong, then get busy or distracted and fail on the hardening off, and they never quite make it into our garden. Dave bought the seeds and supplies, even adding a few heating pads to really help them out, spent time planting them, and caring for them. He even spent a few hours one Saturday making this grow light set up and has been diligent about getting our little seedlings the light they need to grow, grow, grow.

garden16, 2016, garden, veggies, starter veggies, grow your own

I also had intentions of ordering Seed Savers seeds for use in my garden and to sell at the nursery. I did go through the catalog, and realized that our season starts a little late for selling seeds, but I have taken a mental note that there are Seed Savers seeds at Health Country and Hy-Vee West in Mason City.

senasgarden16, garden, grow your own, veggies, starter veggies

I still plan to make a semi plan for my greens, carrots, cucumbers, beans and other plants that get sown right into the garden.

We have gotten the garden tilled and the dirt is looking black and nutritious. Can't wait to get my hands in it!

I've been thinking about having my soil tested, so I'll keep you posted if I get that done or not too.

Is everyone else planning and preparing for garden season?

Read last year's garden posts here.