book worm.
Confession: I'm a book worm. I love to read.
I also like to check out a whole stack of books from the library and pretend that I will have time to read them, but instead just carry them around in my various bags wherever I go and shuffle them around the house stacking piles and piles of them.
I used to get anxious about not getting through that whole stack, but have since realized that those books will always be at the library and I can check them out again if I want.
When I have a question or a transition in my life, I look to books to help me find the answer. We got Lena and yep, I went to the library and checked out some books on training a puppy.
Right now, I've got stacks of books on gardening, herbs, herbal medicine, yoga, twitter, photography, intuition, and grief. I've started all of them. Will I finish all of them? Probably not. But just having them there comforts me; it's someone else's knowledge there in the pages right at my fingertips.
Books are amazing.
Do you like to read?
Nonfiction or fiction?
Any "must reads" I should check out?