Mary Hopper

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Media and Public Relations

I head up the management, media/public relations, marketing, book keeping, and secretarial department of Natural Plus Nursery. Its a big job but someone's gotta do it. I have been busy exploring new marketing options for Natural Plus. I want to get our name out there, and be a resource for people looking to know more about gardening, planting, landscaping, and natural living.

A few things that are in the works: 1. A newsletter! I put together our first newsletter yesterday, and it turned out ok! Its the first one, so I'm going to put it out there and hope that the more I do them, the better they will get. I want to write about tips and tricks of the trade, and what you can/should be doing at certain times of the year.

2. Radio ad. I recorded my first radio ad. I think it went pretty well...I'm excited to hear it. But most importantly, being in that setting, and talking with Joe Malone and Alice Hanley about the future and "brand" we want to establish has me very excited for whats to come. Alice mentioned maybe a short radio segment where I give tips and tricks (like in the newsletter), and Joe Malone called me Mary Hopper, Mrs. Greenthumb. hmm...may have to tweak that name...but possibly Mrs. Natural or something like that?

3. Blogging. I went through a period where blogging felt like a lot of work. But then I went on vacation and now it just seems to be flowing. I'm not going to argue, I'm just going to go with it. I do hope this blog reaches those that are interested in Natural Plus and that those reading are learning from it.

4. Stronger presence on Facebook. I have been trying to take more pictures and post them to Facebook. Its really fun to look back and see where we were 6 months ago (frozen!) and also see people's comments and reactions.

5. Website. I am in the very early beginning stages of re-doing our website. It has been way too long, and needs a major facelift.

So things are really busy here in the marketing/public relations department at Natural Plus Nursery.

Thanks everyone for reading, following along, supporting us, and commenting. Its much appreciated!